Thursday, January 4, 2007

Successful results of plastic surgery


Surgeons in a US’s, Louisville hospital give two constructive surgery patents a chance to enjoy the pleasure of throwing a ball and having both hands after loosing them in accidents years ago. The pleasure of enjoyment of the end result can often out weigh the pain of undergoing such surgical procedures, surgeons world wide are able to perform today. The personal choice of plastic surgery procedures are very much dependent on what you desire at the end of your operation.

One on the first successful plastic surgery operations was performed on Matt Scott of N.J. Mays Landing. Matt had lost his hand in a freak fireworks accident back in 1985. Matt Scott decided to undergo constructive plastic surgery in a Louisville hospital, the surgical procedure which took many hours of surgery and after care was a success and the patent enjoys the use of both his hands today.

The second successful plastic surgery operation was carried out by the same hospital in 2001 on another patent from Michigan . Jerry Fisher a contractor who had lost his hand in an accident. Although there have been several successful complete hand transplant operations carried in hospitals all over the world. It takes a very skilled and experienced surgical team to carry out such transplant procedures and equally dedicated team of physiotherapists to teach the patent how to use his new hand.


The third man to have a complete hand transplant procedure carried out on him was David Savage also from Michigan. Underwent hours of surgery carried out by over 30 doctors who prepared the patient for his new hand from the donor. Dr Warren Breidenbach who was the lead surgeon is quoted as saying that Savage is doing exactly as they had expected.

Savage who had lost his hand 30 years ago in an accident is delighted with his new hand. The hand was successfully reconstructed and transplanted by the Surgeons using surgical skills that involved making the hand look like the rest of Mr Savages body.

If it wasn’t for the contribution of skills of plastic surgeons or cosmetic surgeons Mrs Savage would have only known her husband as having one hand as that is how she had meet him all the years they had been married.

Such are the joys of successful plastic surgery, When asked how he felt the patient is quoted as saying “I feel good”, “I am amazed” It looks good. To tell you the truth, the day I woke up from surgery, it was like waking up from a 32-year sleep. I looked down, I saw it and it was like it was never gone. It was amazing.

I am looking forward to throwing a ball when he was asked what he was going to do in future. His wife said he always told me he was going to have two hands someday. He was serious and it has come through. This has been made possible by the great team of surgeons, the application of constructive surgery, plastic / cosmetic surgery and all of the other surgical skills.

Such “Joys of successful plastic surgery” are possible but what is equally important before such surgical procedures are undertaken is the physiological preparation of one’s self and a grate place to start is Lifeplasticsurgery website that has a lot of information and answers to some of the concerns related to life changing surgical procedures.


It is very important to find out all you can and read as many articles related to plastic surgery, constructive surgery, cosmetic surgery and other related topics. Finding some of the top surgeons at prices that suit your budget. Checking the clinic and the Surgeons credentials and history. Remember such procedures are not cheap and in most cases they are not covered under most medical insurance policies.

Lifeplasticsurgery website is a must visit for anyone considering or seeking information relating to life changing surgical procedures, whether it is to enhance one’s physical appearance, to remedy a birth defect or simply a look and feel good surgical procedure. Always remember to find out all the facts and information before taking the decision to go under the knife of a skilful plastic surgeon. Ask to speak to some of their patients and check for the current and up to date registration with the authorities of the clinic and the surgeon.

Whilst the cliché about “no pain no gain” is true to some extent it is important to understand what is involved, in what ever cosmetic / plastic surgery procedure you are considering. A simple face lift procedure for instance involves open wound surgery where the surgeon enters and separates the skin from the bone and flesh. Then the skin is stretched to join at strategic facial lines where the stitches will be hidden. If the surgeon is slightly complacent during this surgical procedure you could end up loosing all feeling and sensation in your face. Not forgetting the dangers of infection. website can highlight some of these issues and offer solutions through the wealth of informative articles and resources.

Finally when contemplating plastic surgery the most important thing to remember is, look in to the credentials and case history of the surgeon that will be performing the procedures on you because you have to look at the results for the rest of your life. There have been cases of extreme irreversible disfigurement during common surgical procedure such as facelifts and boob jobs and so on. Provided you chose the right surgeon or the surgical team there is no reason why you should not be fully satisfied with the results of your procedure.

“Medical Advancements In Cosmetic Surgery”

The History of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery has been around for so long that it actually has no traceable beginning. As far back as ancient Greeks and Romans there are depictions of cosmetic procedures occurring to fix disfigurements that occurred at birth, as punishment for a crime, or war injuries. Of course, there have been constant improvements since the very first nose job, but the fact remains that for as long as there have been people, they want to look and feel their best.

Cosmetic surgery was once thought of vanity procedures reserved for the wealthy and the famous. This is no longer true. With increased pressure from society to reverse aging and to lose weight, cosmetic surgery has been steadily increasing in popularity and accessibility. “Medical Advancements In Cosmetic Surgery” has made it accessible to any one who desires it.

Once upon a time cosmetic procedures were considered appropriate for aging women. Today, it is no longer a gender specific specialty. Men are having more nose jobs and even tummy tucks performed than it was ever once thought possible. Age is no longer a critical factor. People in their teens, although most surgeons don’t recommend it, are having cosmetic procedures done. Those in their thirties and forties are quickly replacing the market and having anti aging procedures done as early as twenty seven.

Regardless of personal opinions about the popularity of cosmetic procedures and the “Medical Advancements In Cosmetic Surgery”, the increased desire to fix ourselves has led to a revolution within the industry. No longer are simple procedures cost prohibitive as price reduction has made it possible for many more people to elect to have these procedures performed.

“The medical advancements in cosmetic surgery” that have taken hold within the cosmetic industry have decreased the associated risks as well as decreased the drastic healing time that was once necessary for these procedures. It is now possible for a person to have a cosmetic procedure done on a Friday and return to work the following Monday, depending of course on the procedure.

There has been a race among plastic surgeons to make their services more accessible by making them more attainable. Medical advancements have led to less intrusive procedures and of course, more quick and easy procedures.

The Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures

“Medical Advancements In Cosmetic Surgery” have made cosmetic surgery very popular some procedures more then other. No one can really answer why certain procedures in the cosmetic industry have become so popular other than their ease of recovery and their basic simplicity. Most of the popular cosmetic surgery procedures are simple and easy fixes that aren’t nearly as dramatic as some of the more global enhancement operations.

The nose job, of course is ranked the most popular cosmetic procedure out there. A nose job is mostly a low to moderate intrusive procedure that dramatically alters the appearance of the face. A good rhinoplasty can significantly improve an individual’s facial appearance.

Liposuction is a very close second in the cosmetic procedure popularity contest. Americans in particular are quite overweight. In fact between five and fifteen percent of the American population is dramatically obese while seventy percent is a least somewhat overweight. These are staggering numbers. Liposuction has become popular because the results are typically top notch.

A simple eyebrow lift can truly enhance a face and take years off tired eyes. It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because it is truly a simple procedure with dramatic results. Both men and women find eyebrow lifts to be worth the money for their combination of results and discretion.

Breast enlargements are the fourth most popular cosmetic procedure despite the scare of the early nineties when breast implants began to leak silicone into their clients’ bodies. With the medical advancements in cosmetic surgery, the following year the plastic surgery community was able to produce safer breast implants and once again breast enhancement surgery was on the rise. Breast enhancement surgery has been a hot topic of social debate since the seventies when they first began their popularity ascent. Breast enhancement received a lot of attention for their medical advancements.

The face lift comes in at number five in the popularity contest regarding cosmetic procedures. While most clients are quite happy with the results, it is a more intrusive procedure and requires a longer recovery period than most of the more popular plastic surgery procedures.

Psychological Benefits of Plastic Surgery

Since its inception and “Medical Advancements In Cosmetic Surgery”, plastic surgery has allowed people to feel better about their outward appearance. Though it originated as a medical process of repairing disfigurements, the medical advancements of plastic surgery have encouraged the world to embrace a more beautiful side to themselves.

Most patients who have undergone cosmetic procedures report having a higher self esteem and a better quality of life. It is difficult to say whether their improvements in the quality of life come from a prettier face or from their improved self esteem, but ninety seven percent of all plastic surgery patients report appreciating the difference and would do it again if faced with the same options.

There are of course risks that are involved with any cosmetic procedure. These risks include complications from anesthesia, incomplete improvement and even disfigurement. Most doctors will tell you that the “medical advancements in cosmetic surgery” have drastically reduced the chances of the associated risks.

Two Brand New Procedures

Two of the newest “medical advancements in cosmetic surgery” are captique and contour threads. Both of these new procedures were designed to minimize both the typical risks involved with cosmetic surgery and the invasive procedures available. The medical advancements in cosmetic surgery push through quickly in an effort to provide faster, less invasive options to the clientele.

Captique is a new procedure that has jest been introduced to compete with the face lift and Botox. It is a chemical filler that is injected into the skin which in turn drastically reduces wrinkle appearance. It is completely synthetic and not derived from any animal products. The entire captique procedure is a quick outpatient visit that can be completed in about fifteen to twenty minutes, and the patient is then free to drive home. It does not act as a paralytic as Botox does, so the patient can reduce wrinkles while still maintaining facial expressions. Captique is currently only available in a few select clinics.

Contour threads is a brand new procedure that resembles a facelift, but it allows for the patient to retain their more natural and relaxed appearance rather than end up with tight skin pulled back over the head. Contour threads have actually been used in various other medical procedures, but have only recently become available in the cosmetic industry.

Contour threads are made from a clear, soft polypropylene. This eliminates the dark stitch areas that traditional stitches are known to leave behind. In the correct hands, contour threads can produce a very soft face devoid of wrinkles and serious signs of aging.

These two “medical advancements in cosmetic surgery” have created quite the excited buzz in the cosmetic industry. With leaps forward such as these it may actually be possible one day to get anti aging procedures done in an afternoon and return to work the next day as though nothing extraordinary happened.

Continual Progress

The cosmetic industry will continue to have remarkable advancements in its field and continue to produce procedures that can create wonderful outcomes with minimal interference in daily life. The less invasive these procedures become, the more popular they will become as well.

The cosmetic industry is attempting to produce natural results that only those closest to the patient will ultimately be able to discern plastic surgery procedures. The surgeons and researchers have of course not forgotten the original intent of the cosmetic industry. They are continually prototyping advancements in correcting birth defect and accidental disfigurements as well.

It is an exciting age to live in. We are rapidly approaching another outstanding revolutionary period in the cosmetic industry. It is important to keep yourself informed is you are even contemplating having any cosmetic procedure done. Sometimes waiting as little as two or three months prior to committing to a cosmetic surgical procedure can allow enough time for a new product to finish being tested and hit the market. With each “medical advancement in the cosmetic surgery” industry, each procedure will become less invasive and easier to recover from.

Keep yourself informed of upcoming advancements and procedures that may very well benefit you. Visit lifeplasticsurgery to keep on top of the latest news and happenings in the cosmetic industry. Here you can learn about nearly every available procedure and even a few that are almost available. An informed client is a client that is truly ready to face cosmetic surgery and come through with reasonable but good expectations. The miracle of science will never stop creating these advancements and people will never stop wanting to utilize them. Don’t be the last to know. Stop by the regularly and find out what’s coming your way.

Cosmetic Surgery Of The Feet

Being Happy with One’s Feet

How important is it to be happy with the condition of one’s feet? It is, after all, just a foot. Most people keep them conveniently tucked away and out of sight with socks and shoes and rarely do feet play an important role in overall appearance.

However, feet have a very important job to do and they are expected to do it well. They are crammed into shoes that contort them into various positions and they are expected to hold us up comfortably no matter how much weight we put on. They are expected to tolerate extreme temperatures more often than any other part of the body but they are pampered less than any other part of the body. Feet are busy, and quite tolerant, and yet the majority of us resent them for their appearance.

Cosmetic surgery of the foot is a growing trend. While it is unclear why feet are receiving quite so much attention all of a sudden, they are rapidly becoming the body part of new age cosmetic surgery.

Conditions of the Foot

One of the cited reasons people relate for undergoing cosmetic surgery of the foot is based on a common principle that if you’re going to fix it, fix it right. Over time our feet become painful, sometimes even distorted. Strange bumps can take over the foot and cause pain with every step. After all, we ask so much of the foot and give it so little in return.

There are numerous conditions of the foot that require a surgical solution. If you’re going to take the time and energy to fix a foot problem, you may as well give the foot a nicer appearance while alleviating the pain.

Bunions are the most common example of operative foot conditions. They appear as large bumps off to the side of the foot, creating a large and unsightly boney extrusion out to the side. Bunions can be extremely painful and create hazards when trying to place the feet into a pair of shoes.

While it is true that certain types of shoes contribute to the formation of bunions, they are actually cause by the big toe’s inability to flex during walking. Thus, even if a person remains barefoot most of their life but walks without the ability to bend the big toe, a bunion is likely to form.

When a bunion forms it creates a mass beside the joint from the constant forced walking pressure. The foot is then pushed to walk toward the outside of the foot and around the offending toe, creating additional stiffness.

A shortened long bone of the foot results in a toe that appears to lie on top of the surrounding toes in a very discomforting angle. While this is an embarrassing condition of the foot, it usually only causes pain in form fitting shoes. This condition is called Brachymetatarsia. It is one of the most commonly surgically correctable conditions of the foot.

Hammertoes and foot and heel pain are the top surgically correctable foot conditions. Foot and heel pain can eventually become debilitating if it is not corrected. There are various causes for this pain, and there are solutions available that are less invasive than surgery and should be attempted prior to any surgical procedure.

Almost 100% of cosmetic foot surgeries have been cases of foot conditions that cause pain or disfigurement. However it has become more popular over the last five to ten years to correct aesthetic issues that do not cause pain. Though cosmetic surgery of the foot was originally used to hide scars and correct disfigurements, it is now becoming a surgical procedure to simply beautify the foot.

Deciding if Cosmetic Foot Surgery is Right for You

Just like any other surgical procedure, even cosmetic surgeries, there are risks and considerations to be taken into account prior to deciding whether to have the procedure done. There are the typical anesthesia risks as well as risks that the procedure might not turn out exactly as well as one had hoped.

There will of course be a period of recovery. Just like any other procedure there will be a certain amount of post operative pain. Unlike having a cosmetic procedure performed on the face or even the abdomen, cosmetic surgery of the feet will temporarily interfere with the ability to walk.

A competent cosmetic podiatrist can guide you on exactly how the procedure can inhibit walking and for how long. Most people heal rather quickly, although it must be considered that often the procedure will include the breaking of bones in order to reform the foot’s appearance.

For some individuals the condition of the foot is a higher priority. Those in professions that all over beauty is essential, cosmetic foot surgery is an option to enhance the overall appearance, however it is not an effective method for reducing the size of the foot. The size of the foot is a naturally balanced biological factor that should not be changed. Altering the size of the foot can be devastating to the health of not only the feet, but the ankles, knees, and back. A surgeon that is willing to alter the size of the foot is in dangerous territory and several opinions should be consulted prior to even considering this option.

Many people do not consider the option of cosmetic foot surgery until after they have opted for other less invasive procedures. Orthotics and prefabricated arch supports are an effective attempt but don’t typically offer a real solution to the problem. There is a plethora of so called “magic” devices on the market that claim to take away all the foot pain a person experiences in a day. These are often nothing more than gimmicks and shouldn’t be given the slightest consideration of paying upwards of two hundred dollars for a device that you can actually purchase at the local drug store for ten dollars.

These less invasive procedures do not even approach an attempt at creating a nicer looking foot. Often even is a surgical procedure is just one of many options to relieve pain, people will opt for the surgical procedure to alleviate aesthetic discomfort.

Most podiatrists do not do cosmetic foot procedures while they are performing pain relieving surgeries. If there is a foot problem that requires surgery and you want the aesthetic problem taken care of simultaneously, you have to see a specialist that can handle both the medical and the aesthetic problem.

In fact, most podiatrists do not even give consideration to the scarring effects of surgery. They simple operate to relieve pain. In some cases, depending on the actual problem, this approach can lead to a foot that is less attractive than it was originally.

Finding a Cosmetic Podiatrist

If you have aptly decided that foot surgery is a good form of pain relief for you and you want someone who can make the foot more pleasing to the eye, the next step is to find a surgeon qualified to perform the procedure. This can be more difficult than one may expect. Cosmetic podiatrists are not commonly available as they are not in high demand like other cosmetic surgeons. It is not recommended to go to a regular cosmetic surgeon as they are unlikely to be able to readily solve any pain problems that are accompanying the foot.

When asking a cosmetic podiatrist for his basic standard practices, be sure to find out how extensive his experience is. As much as a nice looking foot may please you, permanent pain can result from a poor surgical procedure. Cosmetic podiatrists must be able to address both problems, and thus they are highly specialized doctors.

Be wary of any cosmetic podiatrist that is too quick to perform surgery. While you are interested in fixing your foot pain and making the foot appear much nicer, any surgeon who is willing to leap without looking is asking for trouble. Be sure they require you to undergo a fairly extensive evaluation prior to scheduling you for surgery. That evaluation should include a physical examination.

Once you have found a cosmetic podiatrist to perform the procedure, continue asking questions and preparing for the likelihood of a long recovery. Make arrangements for transportation after your surgery and the following weeks. Remember that while this is a cosmetic procedure it is also a medical procedure and you will likely need to go through a round of physical therapy in order to recover completely.

Cosmetic surgery of the foot is not to be entered into lightly. Do your own research and understand the procedure in its entirety before committing to the surgery. Rushing into the surgery may produce results that you are unhappy with. Pay attention to your pain levels. The pain should slowly subside after having cosmetic surgery of the foot. If your pain level stays the same or increases, call the doctor immediately.

For additional help deciding the best way to proceed on this or any other cosmetic procedure, visit This website has all the information necessary for understanding plastic surgery and the effects it is likely to have on your life. Learn the risks as well as tips for finding the surgeon that will best fit your needs.